Pop etc.
A thousand years
Beauty and the beast
Bridge over troubled water
Chasing cars
Dancing queen
Dieses Kribbeln im Bauch
Heut ist ein schöner Tag
I say a little prayer for you
I will follow him
I'll never love this way again
Je ne parle pas francais
Killing me softly
Küss mich - halt mich - lieb mich
Rote Rosen
Sound of silence
This is me
Wie schön du bist
You've got a friend
Gospels etc.
I know who I am
I love the Lord
Joy to the world
Let the church say amen
Little drummer boy
Necessary - I am who I am
O come all ye
Oh happy day
O holy night
Put it on the altar
Say yes
The Lord's prayer
Worship Medley - What a beautiful name